
Saturday, 29 June 2013

Denormalization in Datawarehousing


The larger classification of DATA SYSTEM from IT perspective is following.

1) OLTP system =Online transaction processing system
2) OLAP system=Online analytical processing system

1) OLTP are regular form of storage. General applications what we develop comes under OLTP
and hence they require Normal forms.[Insert/update/delete] all three operations take place regularly. In one word if i summarized OLTP focus on data manipulation.

2) OLAP systems are required for reporting, collecting historical data from different
tables for fore-casting and reporting. OLAP focus on SEARCHING DATA and FORMING REPORTS.

If we prefer NORMALIZATION then we have to move to three NORMAL FORMS. This leads towards creation of MULTIPLE tables. Hence SEARCHING data from MULTIPLE TABLES takes more time and reduces performance. To avoid that performance issue, OLAP Systems prefer DENORMALIZATION.

De-normalization is technique of merging tables into ONE BIG TABLE to fetch data from one single table to improve the performance of SEARCH in OLAP systems.


Zafar Habib


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